Coffman Nursing Home by Fahrney Keedy Staff
Here for You
Meet Our Team
At Coffman Nursing Home by Fahrney Keedy, we pride ourselves on providing top-tier care and a warm, welcoming environment for our residents. Central to our mission is our exceptional staff, a team of dedicated professionals who bring expertise, compassion, and a personal touch to everything they do. Our caregivers, nurses, therapists, and support staff work tirelessly to ensure that every resident feels valued, safe, and at home. With a commitment to ongoing training and a passion for making a difference, our team stands out as the heart of Coffman Nursing Home. Explore this page to learn more about the incredible individuals who make our community special.
Excellence in Service
Steve Coetzee
Marc Goldstein
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Cassie O'Clair
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Division Leadership
Gina Houser
Lead Rehabilitation Therapist
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Symantha McKenzie
Director of Activities
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Michael Burger
Human Resources Coordinator
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Lori Perkins
Social Services Director
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James Schaffer
Admissions Director
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Connie Sarver
MDS Coordinator
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Angela Davis, BSN, RN
Director of Nursing
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Getting to know Them
Team Spotlight
"I came to Fahrney Keedy as a newly graduated Registered Nurse looking for experience in the medical field. I ended up finding I really enjoyed working with geriatrics – they are most definitely my favorite part about Fahrney Keedy! I also enjoy working side by side with my coworkers, some of the best people I have ever met. It really is like a family here. Above all, I am proud of the care we provide, it is truly above the rest and we have set an incredible standard."
Melanie BishoffChief Clinical Officer, Fahrney Keedy 
"As a non-profit organization, Fahrney Keedy has provided me with everything I ever dreamed of having in a career. This organization recognized and utilized the skills that come naturally to me....providing a platform for me to advance and work each day to my fullest potential. It has given me the ability to learn, grow and sharpen my skill set. They say “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I feel that is a true statement for me. I feel that my life has been given greater purpose...being a part of this organization. The people, seniors that I serve are a major blessing in my life as is the family of people I serve with. I am without a doubt Fahrney Keedy PROUD!"
Rebecca KirbyDirector of Community Engagement 
"I started working at Fahrney Keedy after my father passed away. He would tell me that he liked when someone just came to talk, helped him focus on something besides the pain, or even talked with my mom and helped her focus on something besides the negative of the situation. I came because I wanted to do something that not only helped the residents but their families. Activities allow me to bring smiles, laughter, and comfort to many during a time that can be scary and confusing. I like to think that I am giving back for all the wonderful people who helped my dad."
Shannon KelbaughDirector of Activities, Fahrney Keedy 
“Fahrney Keedy is a truly beautiful facility both in the physical sense and in terms of the care and love that occurs within the walls. It is easy to become desensitized to how special Fahrney Keedy is when you are there on a daily basis, but I remain cognizant of how lucky I am to be part of such a special organization. My mother, grandmother, and 2 of my aunts are nurses, so it’s no surprise that I fell into the world of healthcare as well. Ultimately, human resources has become my niche, but I will always be thankful for my experience working as a nursing assistant during the height of the pandemic. It remains one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. It is my honor to serve Fahrney Keedy for as long as they will have me!”
Megan ZimmermanHuman Resources Director, Fahrney Keedy 
"I moved from Canada into a house right across from Fahrney-Keedy in 2016 and have become a naturalized US citizen. Three years later I was hired at the facility as a driver for the newly opened Adult Day Center. The rise of Covid-19 led to my involvement with the Activities department which gave me the opportunity to help with music as Assistant Chaplain. My pastoral experience in Canada made it possible for me to fill the role as Chaplain. I enjoy bringing encouragement and hope through Scripture and song. A sense of humor always helps as stated in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart does good, like medicine…”(NKJV)"
Dana MersereauChaplain, Fahrney Keedy 
"I have always enjoyed being around the older population, Fahrney Keedy allows me to do this and I get paid for it. Our elders have vast life experience and wisdom if we take the time to listen. One of the most memorable events we did while I was in Activities was the vows renewal. We had seven couples from IL, AL and SNF renew their wedding vows. Another memorable activity was the Senior Prom. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for us with the next phase beginning."
Kathy NevilleDirector of Independent Living, Fahrney Keedy 
I was raised near Boonsboro and attended the Brownsville Church of The Brethren for the first 30 years of my life. During those years, I have visited Fahrney-Keedy numerous times for church and music functions. What’s more, I have had relatives admitted to Fahrney-Keedy for rehab stays, most recently in 2021. I have been a social worker in this region for over 30 years and am quite familiar with the wonderful reputation Fahrney-Keedy has earned. Once I had the opportunity to join the staff here as a social worker, I knew my decision was easy. The entire staff have provided me with a warm welcome and the benefit package is outstanding.
Jeff TaultonDirector of Social Services, Fahrney Keedy