Board of Directors
Serving Our Community
Meet Our Leadership
Fahrney Keedy and Coffman Nursing Home’s business is conducted by its employees, managers, and officers, under the direction of its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the oversight of the Board of Directors. Each member brings something special to the Board, whether it is experience, or simply care and concern for the elderly community.
Leadership, problem solving, ministerial, and financial management are some of the skills they bring with them. Each will serve a three-year term with the potential for a second term. Our Board Members are dedicated to our mission of Enriching the Lives of Seniors.
If you are interested in learning more about our Board of Directors or becoming a Board member, please call (301) 671-5180.
Public access to Board of Directors meeting minutes can be found here
Dedication and Inspiration
Our Directors
Leslie Hart
Board Chair
Barbara Bussard
Board Member
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Kathleen Morrissey
Board Member
Sue Graff
Incoming Board Chair
Jacqueline Draper
Board Member
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Debi Park
Board Member
Carrie Adams
Board Member
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David Gonzalez
Board Member
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Colleen Randall
Board Member
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Charles Angle
Board Member
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Tyler Hornbecker
Board Member
Elizabeth Reeder
Board Member
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Mary Bowman
Board Member
David Lyles
Board Member
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Starla Ward
Board Member
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Stephen Coetzee
Melanie Bishoff
Chief Clinical Officer
Heather Barnes
VP of Finance
Ex-Officio Members
June Elsner
President of Auxiliary
Photo Coming Soon
About Our Board
What Fahrney Keedy Means
"As a resident of Braddock Heights and then Middletown for 52 years I was aware of Farhney-Keedy retirement home for many years but had never been to it until attending a Holiday Dinner in 2018 as a guest of my neighbor, Karen Anthony. The following year I was approached to consider a position on the board.
Every month I learn more about this marvelous organization and have to say that my admiration continues to grow. This past year of pandemic has only increased this to the point that I am so proud of the people working here. This is one Christian-run organization that truly demonstrates their principles.
I encourage all to visit this vibrant community (when all COVID restrictions cease) and see all FK has to offer."
Barbara MosserFormer Board Member 
"Our seniors deserve to have healthy, fulfilling, lives that are enriched by others and the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a member of the Board of Directors I am honored to serve our residents in ensuring they have quality healthcare in a warm caring environment where they are loved."
Bill MitchellFormer Board Chair 
"Fahrney-Keedy was a place I had heard of because I belonged to a Church of the Brethren and that is the background of this facility. I really was not that familiar with the facility until I was asked to come on the Board of Directors. I joined the Board in 2016 and became impressed with the staff and their dedication to care for seniors. I decided to move to an independent cottage on the grounds in 2020 and later moved my brother from NC to the memory care unit here. It’s only a 5-minute walk from my home and it provides us both with a chance to see each other. I would recommend Fahrney-Keedy to anyone looking for a caring, family-oriented place for a loved one or for oneself."
Dorothy StrawsburgFormer Boad Member 
"Think I've been coming to Fahrney Keedy for as long as I've lived in this area. We traveled these roads often and I looked forward to coming yearly when there was an open house or special event going on. The Brethren District conference always had information about the "village" and its growth.
Then the time came when we had friends from the church and neighbors who went to stay at Fahrney Keedy. It's always been a very warm family welcoming home there where you could sit and relax. You also could rest assured that those staying there would receive the best of care and excellent treatment.
It's been fascinating to watch the growth and development over the years. I was delighted when a pastor's wife, who is a dear friend, asked if I would be interested in serving on the board, in finance. It's like being a part of the family for me. I don't feel that I do much. I do my little part, Fahrney Keedy- Simply is the BEST."
Karen R AnthonyFormer Board Chair 
"I became involved with Fahrney Keedy on December 24, 2016 when my mother, Kay, went there for 100 days of rehab from neck surgery. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2011. After a month of rehab it was determined that mom could no longer handle rehab because her Alzheimer’s had progressed so far. She was moved to long term care and needed 24/7 skilled nursing care. Over the next four years mom received excellent care from the nurses and aides. My entire family was very grateful for the care she received. I would visit my mom 2-3 times a week and I was always pleased with what I saw happening with her and the attention she was given. My father, Jerry, would spend every day with mom and the staff became close with Dad and took care of him also. They offered dad a place to stay during snow storms so he wouldn’t have to leave mom, something above and beyond what their job required. On March 13, 2020 Covid hit the area and we were no longer allowed to visit mom, but because of the care that she had been given over the past 4 years we were confident that she would be well taken care of. On Saturday, March 28, in the morning mom was unresponsive and the head nurse called my father and gave him permission to come be with her, she passed that evening. I was so grateful for the love and care the staff showed for my parents during this very sad time.
Because of my experience with FK, I am very excited to be on the Board of Directors and help this caring, loving organization in providing a loving, caring home for our senior saints."
Kerri SemlerFormer Board Member 
"My first exposure to Fahrney Keedy Home and Village was around 2009 when my grandmother Ann, became a resident. Nana needed additional assisted care that Fahrney Keedy was able to provide, and Nana loved being at FKHV. A few years later in 201, I was asked to join the Board of Directors. My commitment to this community has only increased 10-fold since that time. I want my future years to be filled with experiences and relationships and opportunities to try new things. Fahrney Keedy Home and Village provides all that and more. In 2018, I purchased a beautiful home in the independent living community. I have great neighbors, amazing walking trails, a world class gymnasium and a brand-new community center filled with books and happenings and events. The Boonsboro community and FKHV provides those options and choices to reside in a rural community location. I am truly blessed. I cannot wait to see what the future brings to me and the Fahrney Keedy Home and Village campus."
Leslie HartBoard Chair 
"My link to FK is one that came to be through an ad in the local newspaper. In the summer of 1964, as a young teenager, I answered an ad to be trained as a nurse’s aide at FKH. This would be my employment during the summers to follow.
I learned much from the staff on patient care and compassion. I learned more from the residents about life. They were incredibly welcoming and eager to engage in conversations about their lives. I remember the strict codes on care for the residents. My FK training helped to form my work ethic. My compassion and caregiving followed me in my professional career, thanks to FK. When I was asked to be on the Board, I was eager to be involved. This is my chance to payback to a community who gave so much to me. I am proud of the Staff for their commitment to the FK community."
Mary BowmanBoard Member