Board of Directors
Serving Our Community
Meet Our Leadership
Fahrney Keedy and Coffman Nursing Home’s business is conducted by its employees, managers, and officers, under the direction of its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the oversight of the Board of Directors. Each member brings something special to the Board, whether it is experience, or simply care and concern for the elderly community.
Leadership, problem solving, ministerial, and financial management are some of the skills they bring with them. Each will serve a three-year term with the potential for a second term. Our Board Members are dedicated to our mission of Enriching the Lives of Seniors.
If you are interested in learning more about our Board of Directors or becoming a Board member, please call (301) 671-5180.
Board meeting minutes are available by request. To inquire, reach out to President & CEO Steve Coetzee [email protected]
Dedication and Inspiration
Our Directors
Leslie Hart
Barbara Bussard
Colleen Randall
Sue Graff
Jacqueline Draper
Elizabeth Reeder
Carrie Adams
Tyler Hornbecker
Starla Ward
Charles Angle
David Lyles
Mary Bowman
Kathleen Morrissey
Stephen Coetzee
Melanie Bishoff
Heather Barnes
Ex-Officio Members
June Elsner
About Our Board
What Fahrney Keedy Means